i386/60633: [sis] SIS motherboard with the SIS 5591 (591) ATA chipset and quotas enabled locks up with quotas

Mike Pritchard mpp at FreeBSD.org
Fri Jan 26 23:47:07 UTC 2007

Synopsis: [sis] SIS motherboard with the SIS 5591 (591) ATA chipset and quotas enabled locks up with quotas

State-Changed-From-To: feedback->closed
State-Changed-By: mpp
State-Changed-When: Fri Jan 26 23:42:02 UTC 2007
The person who originated this PR no longer works at the company
anymore, and the person who replied to me said that the server
mentioned in the PR has long since been upgraded and that he
knew nothing about the problem.

Closing due to lack of information to follow up on.

Responsible-Changed-From-To: remko->freebsd-bugs
Responsible-Changed-By: mpp
Responsible-Changed-When: Fri Jan 26 23:42:02 UTC 2007
The person who originated this PR no longer works at the company
anymore, and the person who replied to me said that the server
mentioned in the PR has long since been upgraded and that he
knew nothing about the problem.

Closing due to lack of information to follow up on.


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