bin/97407: /usr/share/misc/termcap overwritten by installworld

Stephen Hurd shurd at
Sat Apr 21 11:34:13 UTC 2007

> Use ~/.termcap or $TERMPATH or $TERMCAP if you want to use a custom
> location.
> Kris

Hrm? It's not really that I want to use a custom location but that I 
want a custom termcap entry to be used for a specific tty rather than a 
specific user and have it Just Work when I do an upgrade.

Currently if you want a custom termcap entry to be used for a specific 
tty you need to ensure that /usr/share/misc/termcap gets your patch 
after a new world install and that cap_mkdb gets ran on the updated 
one.  It's just one extra step to be done on every upgrade.  Not that 
it's impossible or difficult to do so, but it's non-obvious that it 
needs doing and it seems as though putting termcap in /etc and having 
mergemaster(8) handle it would be the optimal solution. I feel that even 
if you need to run cap_mkdb manually but have it patched via mergemaster 
would be a lot better than having it blindly overwritten as is currently 
the case.

I have permanently lost termcap entries due to me doing upgrades and not 
backing them up.  I back up /etc before an upgrade but rarely back up 
/usr (and when I do back up from /usr it's generally /usr/local I back 
up, not the OS stuff in /usr)

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