conf/111102: [PATCH] US calendar fix for daylight savings change

Sean C. Farley sean-freebsd at
Sun Apr 1 20:24:23 UTC 2007

Oops!  I forgot to update the message along with the date.  Here is a
new patch.

If it makes it look better, the committer may want to change the "in" to
"of" for Thanksgiving or "of" to "in" for all but Thanksgiving.  This
would make it a bit more concise.

--- calendar.usholiday.orig	Tue Apr 15 21:18:30 2003
+++ calendar.usholiday	Sun Apr  1 15:05:15 2007
@@ -13,11 +13,11 @@
  02/14	St. Valentine's Day
  02/MonThird	President's Day (3rd Monday of February)
  03/05	Mother-in-Law Day, USA
+03/SunSecond	Daylight Savings Time begins in USA; clocks move forward (2nd Sunday of March)
  03/17	St. Patrick's Day
  03/20*	Vernal Equinox
  04/01	April Fool's Day
  04/15	Income Tax Day, USA.
-04/SunFirst	Daylight Savings Time begins in USA; clocks move forward (1st Sunday of April)
  04/28*	Arbor Day, USA (varies from state to state)
  05/SunSecond	Mother's Day (2nd Sunday of May)
  05/SatThird	Armed Forces in USA Day (3rd Saturday of May)
@@ -29,8 +29,8 @@
  09/SunSecond	Grandparent's Day in USA (2nd Sunday of September; varies from state to state)
  09/22*	Autumnal Equinox
  10/MonSecond	Columbus Day in USA (2nd Monday of October)
-10/SunLast	Daylight Savings Time ends in USA; clocks move back (Last Sunday in October)
  10/31	All Hallows Eve  (Halloween)
+11/SunFirst	Daylight Savings Time ends in USA; clocks move back (1st Sunday of November)
  11/05*	Election Day in USA (1st Tuesday after 1st Monday for even years)
  11/11	Veterans' Day
  11/ThuFourth	Thanksgiving Day (4th Thursday in November)

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