bin/67467: df -m and -g incorrect with negative avail

David Schultz das at
Fri Jun 4 02:31:39 PDT 2004

Synopsis: df -m and -g incorrect with negative avail

State-Changed-From-To: open->closed
State-Changed-By: das
State-Changed-When: Fri Jun 4 02:30:57 PDT 2004
Thanks for the analysis.  It turns out that this problem was fixed
last month in src/bin/df/df.c,v 1.56 using your first proposal.
However, in reviewing the code, I found that I was able to save 775
bytes and a small piece of my sanity by making fsbtoblk() a true
function.  This should address your concern about the ambiguity in
the type of num.

(As for gcc extensions, we use them in some places, but we try not to
depend on them when possible.)

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