fwd: NetBSD PR-a-thon

Mark Linimon linimon at lonesome.com
Mon Sep 25 14:30:20 PDT 2006

Here's what my reply to a private email from remko was; I think it may be
of wider interest to start a dicussion here ...


On Mon, Sep 25, 2006 at 06:09:25PM +0200, Remko Lodder wrote:
> Hey Bug-people, this could really be something for our efforts as well
> (what we are doing recently) ;-)

Sure, I'd like to see something like this happen.  I am currently travelling
(as I will be for a little bit) but if someone has some ideas on how to
set this up, I'm listening.

My perference would be to focus on the ones with 'patch' in them.  If you
use ~linimon/bin/showwithtag patch (e.g.) you'll see a list of them.  Or,
if you use the web form and search for \[patch\] (e.g.) you'll also see them.

I think what bms is finding is that many of these things have already been
committed over the years, or are OBE.

remko has been doing a good job nuking the BS i386 ones; I have gotten more
strict about closing the "support" kind of issues as they come in, since
they almost always just rot.  I'd like to see a community consensus that
it's just hopeless to try to use any bugtracking system (GNATS or a possible
successor) for that, given the resources we have.

OTOH if people want to step up and do triage on those, rather than me just
turning them away, that's great too.

I'm going to forward this onto bugbusters@, that list is quiet these days
anyways.  IIRC this may even be what it was intended for in the first place ...



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