Logitech K810 Bluetooth keyboard

Iain Hibbert plunky at ogmig.net
Mon Nov 10 21:18:31 UTC 2014

On Fri, 7 Nov 2014, george ember wrote:

> After reboot my hcibump -x
> ember at FreeBSD ~ $ sudo hcidump -x
> Password:
> HCIDump - HCI packet analyzer ver 1.5
> device: any snap_len: 65535 filter: 0xffffffffffffffff
> > HCI Event: Connect Request(0x04) plen 10
>   C5 F2 4D 20 1F 00 40 05 00 01
> < HCI Command: Accept Connection Request(0x01|0x0009) plen 7
>   C5 F2 4D 20 1F 00 00
> > HCI Event: Command Status(0x0f) plen 4
>   00 01 09 04
> > HCI Event: Role Change(0x12) plen 8
>   00 C5 F2 4D 20 1F 00 00
> > HCI Event: Connect Complete(0x03) plen 11
>   00 0B 00 C5 F2 4D 20 1F 00 01 00
> < HCI Command: Write Link Policy Settings(0x02|0x000d) plen 4
>   0B 00 05 00
> > HCI Event: Command Complete(0x0e) plen 6
>   01 0D 08 00 0B 00
> > HCI Event: Link Key Request(0x17) plen 6
>   C5 F2 4D 20 1F 00
> < HCI Command: Link Key Request Negative Reply(0x01|0x000c) plen 6
>   C5 F2 4D 20 1F 00
> > HCI Event: Command Complete(0x0e) plen 10
>   01 0C 04 00 C5 F2 4D 20 1F 00
> > HCI Event: Disconn Complete(0x05) plen 4
>   00 0B 00 13

This seems consistent with the fact that you put "nokey" in the config
file.. the FreeBSD host states that it does not have a key but presumably
the keyboard is expecting one (if it has one stored for this host), so the
connection is refused, with the reason given "Remote User Terminated
Connection" (0x13 at the end)

can you show a hcidump of the pairing process, when a PIN is given? also,
after the keyboard is paired and the key is known (if you can get that
far) what about the dump that time?

also, with hcidump .. do you have -V switch? I don't remember if the
version available in ports has that (it gives more detail) but if not,
feel free to post the actual dump file, as later hcidump (I use 2.5) shows
more information, I think


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