btpand example

Maksim Yevmenkin maksim.yevmenkin at
Thu May 14 17:05:32 UTC 2009


> I just got btpand working with my phone (Samsung Omnia i900 - WinMo 6.1
> based) and here's what I did..

cool! thank for reporting.

> Note that unlike the NetBSD example '-d ubt0' or '-d ubt0hci' doesn't
> work as it reports unknown host. I have 'me' in /etc/bluetooth/hosts,
> but that is non-standard (and '-d local' doesn't work).

could you please try this patch?
Index: btpand.c
--- btpand.c    (revision 192109)
+++ btpand.c    (working copy)
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@

                case 'd': /* local address */
-                       if (!bt_aton(optarg, &local_bdaddr)) {
+                       if (!bt_devaddr(optarg, &local_bdaddr)) {
                                struct hostent  *he;

                                if ((he = bt_gethostbyname(optarg)) == NULL)


> Also, I found the MTU by trial and error, 600 works for me, 650 does
> not. I am guessing this is a bluetooth thing but I'm not sure.. If it
> is would it be possible for btpand to set the MTU?

sure :) however, like Iain said, it would be interesting to see what
is going on. any chance we could get both hcidump (created with -w
option) and tcpdump? could it be something that has to do with tcp mss


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