
Iain Hibbert plunky at rya-online.net
Wed Jan 24 12:11:52 UTC 2007

On Tue, 23 Jan 2007, Iain Hibbert wrote:

> Do you recall why you chose to put the slave tty into raw mode? I claim no
> expertise over pty(4) but I can't really think why rfcomm_sppd should care
> about the slave tty settings?

also, regarding the slave tty - I notice that if I do the following

% rfcomm_sppd -a phone -c dun -t ttyp9
% cu -l ttyp9

then it works fine, but if I exit cu and try again

% cu -l ttyp9

I get a "Device Busy" error.  I tracked this down to the fact that cu sets
TIOCEXCL but never unsets it.  While arguably cu should clean up after
itself, I wonder if you really do need to hold open the slave tty? If I
don't do that then it works as advertised and I can access the slave as
many times as I want with no problems..


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