is bluetooth 2.0 speeds supported on freebsd?

triosoft at triosoft at
Thu Jan 11 13:11:51 PST 2007

> as you can see i got close to 2 Mbit/sec throughput (receiver reports in
> Mbit/sec and sender reports in Kbytes/sec). numbers look consistent on
> both sides. in theory bluetooth 2.0+edr  can give you up to 3 Mbit/sec
> (please correct me if i wrong here), but in real life you unlikely to
> see this because of protocol header overhead. in this case its protocol
> stack looks something like
> tcp -> ip -> ppp -> rfcomm -> l2cap
> bottom line: it looks like bluetooth 2.0+edr dongles will talk high
> speed without stack doing anything at all. i'm not sure why do you see
> low transfer speed, but perhaps it has something to do with obex?
> thanks,
> max

Very-very strange... I use obexapp from ports to use FTRN profile, and
whatever I do I do not get to speeds of EDR. Same thing with kubuntu linux
6.06 tls live cd. All works, but slowly. So could you PLEASE try to use
obexapp between two freebsd boxes to transfer files? or even use obexapp
to transfer files from and to some EDR-capable device like phone?
Everything is seems to be that the low speed is "thanks to" some obex
stuff. but why??? is something from bluetooth 1.2 spec hardcoded in
openobex or obexapp?

And one more question, I hack a bit
src/usr.sbin/bluetooth/hccontrol/util.c to fully dump and describe all 8
bytes of features. Is it worthy to post patches here?

Thanks for all your and Iain Hibbert answers!


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