is bluetooth 2.0 speeds supported on freebsd?

triosoft at triosoft at
Tue Jan 9 12:01:18 PST 2007

> Alexander,
>> Does freebsd implementation of bluetooth stack support data rates of
>> bluetooth 2.0?
> no, freebsd bluetooth stack is v1.1 and does not support bluetooth 2.0
> edr as of now.

AS OF NOW sounds better than NEVER will :o) but may I ask you do you make
some steps towards edr support? is it realy hard to include edr support?
can I help with something? I'm wery base-level programmer, but if you
point me to some docs or specs etc or may be just give me some part of
whole job I can help? AFAIK BlueZ do not support edr too... is it so
difficult to implement edr on 1.1 base?

BUT! Anyway, THANK you for your job! You'r a MONSTER (in good meaning of
this world :o)

  With best regards,
  Alexander V. Ribchansky
  Uzhgorod, Ukraine

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