rpi4b main-n245392-8423f5d4c12 won't boot due to microsd timeout [FIXED]

Mark Millard marklmi at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 16 10:23:54 UTC 2021

On 2021-Mar-15, at 23:26, Klaus Küchemann <maciphone2 at googlemail.com> wrote:

> Am 16.03.2021 um 02:50 schrieb Mark Millard via freebsd-arm <freebsd-arm at freebsd.org>:
>> So there would seem to be no urgent aspect of
>> existing RPi[34] u-boot ports vs. Klaus K.'s
>> build(s) to lead Klaus to put up reviews on
>> Phabricator for updates to:
>> sysutils/u-boot-rpi-arm64
>> sysutils/u-boot-rpi3
>> sysutils/u-boot-rpi4
> Well, while it would be possible to suggest (pre-)-patches e.g. in sysutils/u-boot-rpi4 for review, if necessary ...
> it’s not possible to upgrade u-boot-release-versions only for the RPI in its single-ports,
> because there is a single ‚Masterdir`- u-boot which will upgrade all u-boot-single-ports in the ports-tree.

As I understand some of the sysutils/u-boot-master/Makefile
notation, there is a hook for slave ports to specify a
UBOOT_VERSION different from 2020.10 without changing
other u-boot ports:

# grep UBOOT_VERSION /usr/ports/sysutils/u-boot*/Makefile
/usr/ports/sysutils/u-boot-master/Makefile:PORTVERSION=	${UBOOT_VERSION}
/usr/ports/sysutils/u-boot-master/Makefile:.if !defined(UBOOT_VERSION) && defined(UBOOT_VERSION_${FAMILY:tu})
/usr/ports/sysutils/u-boot-master/Makefile:UBOOT_VERSION?=	2020.10
/usr/ports/sysutils/u-boot-master/Makefile:.if defined(U_BOOT_SLAVE_PORTREVISION_${UBOOT_VERSION})
/usr/ports/sysutils/u-boot-master/Makefile:PORTREVISION=	${U_BOOT_SLAVE_PORTREVISION_${UBOOT_VERSION}}

Note the:


which makes 2020.10 just a default that a slave
ports can override.

> masterdir-upgrades usually come relatively slow in FreeBSD, sometimes weeks after the upstream.

Possibly because folks have not been putting
up reviews to get a committer to apply an
update that they have tested first.

> So if we want u-boot release-candidates (-rc) , faster ports-upgrades or add own features, upstream-patches: we have to compile them ourselves. 

It is true that someone likely has to build
and test before committal by a committer
(and you have in the example at hand).

> That’s why I upload them sometimes to somewhere for some reason(testing, patches, whatever).

So there has been more than personal testing
by you.

> Fortunately u-boot is not as much error-prone as the firmware so uploads of u-boot - rc  can be more seen as feature.
> As an example it would be possible to apply patches to :
>> sysutils/u-boot-rpi-arm64
>> sysutils/u-boot-rpi3
>> sysutils/u-boot-rpi4
> But the maintainers then  always have look if patches made it upstream and then remove/change 
> them again for every single port with the next release… understandable why they would not like that :-)

Not true for those 3 ports, at least as worded: those 3
ports have no maintainer now. (A committer might impose
requirements to be willing to commit but their judgments
might not exactly match what they would make as a

And, again, there seem to be hooks in the infrastructure
to support having something other than 2020.10 for some
u-boot ports but not others. This suggests that using
newer is not, of itself, out of bounds.

> ….while on the other hand it’s not so uncommon to apply patches before they make it upstream in u-boot.
> So self-compiling  makes life a bit easier.

Note that I've no clue if you had to do patching
of something that could possibly go upstream or
not. The above could apply either way.

Mark Millard
marklmi at yahoo.com
( dsl-only.net went
away in early 2018-Mar)

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