Graphics on arm64

John F Carr jfc at
Sat Jan 25 14:07:05 UTC 2020

What happens if I put a PCIe graphics card in a 64 bit ARM system?  If I parse the ports tree correctly there is no X support, or possibly only support as a generic VGA device.  Is that correct?  Is anybody on freebsd-arm working on graphics?  If there's active interest I may be able to help, but it's not a project I want to take on alone.

I see three packages in ports/graphics:

drm-legacy-kmod is marked broken for aarch64
drm-current-kmod is only for x86 and PPC
drm-devel-kmod is only for x86 and PPC

Historically getting graphics cards to work has often required binary-only Linux drivers which wouldn't be available for ARM.  Maybe that's not true for Radeon these days.  But even today the strategy seems to be "take whatever Linux can give us".

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