Ethernet autonegotiation problems on Rock64

Peter Jeremy peter at
Thu May 2 07:20:31 UTC 2019

I'm having regular problems netbooting my Rock64 (RK3328) with
U-Boot 2017.09-rockchip-ayufan-1035-gd646df03ac (Oct 26 2018 - 08:36:01 +0000)

The symptoms are that the LED state on the Rock64 RJ45 is wrong (either the
green LED or the orange LED is on but not both) and both the Rock64 and the
switch at the other end of the cable[1] indicate GigE/FDX but the TFTP
client reports checksum errors and eventually gives up.

This seems to be solely related to the firmware autonegotiation - once the
FreeBSD kernel starts, it's rock solid at 1000/FDX.  It also gets less
reliable as the ambient temperature drops[2].  Whilst the above firmware
isn't the latest, the changelogs for the later versions appear solely
related to supporting the RK3399.

Has anyone else seen a problem like this?

[1] I've tried both a NetGear switch and a spare port on my main FreeBSD
    server with the same behaviour.
[2] Warming the board with my wife's hairdryer will "fix" the problem.

Peter Jeremy
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