Lost my serial console! :-)

Karl Denninger karl at denninger.net
Tue Nov 20 15:49:56 UTC 2018

On 11/20/2018 09:39, Rodney W. Grimes wrote:
> [ Charset UTF-8 unsupported, converting... ]
>> On 11/19/2018 22:04, Rodney W. Grimes wrote:
>>>> I built a 12-Stable pull for the Pi3 using Crochet this afternoon and it
>>>> appeared to hang on boot (never started the kernel.)? In fact it did --
>>>> but the com console has disappeared so as soon as the kernel was loaded
>>>> I lost all output to the serial port.
>>>> It's running; if I connect an ethernet cable and there's a DHCP server
>>>> out there it will get an address and I can then connect and log into it.
>>>> I tried setting it in the environment in uboot (and doing a "saveenv"),
>>>> but that didn't work, nor did setting console="comconsole" in
>>>> /boot/loader.conf.
>>>> This used to come up by default but no longer does.... I'm obviously
>>>> missing something stupid and would certainly like to fix it. :-)
>>> You might check what all the various files on the 12.0-RC1 RPI3
>>> image has, I just tested it and both the serial console and HDMI
>>> video w/USB keyboard works.
>>> Crochet may of not caught up with some thing.
>> I'll look into that; it's possible although there are no recent commits
>> related to this (the latest was a size change for the Pine)... the other
>> thing is a PI3B+ does not appear to boot at all but I need to grab the
>> base image to see why since I have no serial console on the one I
>> built.? Is this known (since that's the current hardware rev)?
> I can not speak to the PI3B+ at all, I only have a PI3B,
> I seem to recall someone having a issue on the PI3B+ though.
> What hardware do you actually have?
Lots.  I have several 3Bs, one 3B+ (since that's the current model), and
a passel of 2s. :-)  The 2s are fine but I'm building 11.STABLE for
those.  Can't for the 3s, as the code to run those isn't in 11.

Karl Denninger
karl at denninger.net <mailto:karl at denninger.net>
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