FYI: how gpart show -p reports the same microsdhc card in a USB reader vs. in the microsdcard slot (on a Pine64+ 2GB)

Mark Millard marklmi at
Thu Aug 30 09:39:34 UTC 2018

[I do not currently have access to any alternates to the
Pine64+ 2GB that have a micro sdcard slot. So I can not
say that this is specific to the Pine64+ 2GB type of
context: no evidence for other contexts.]

gpart show -p when the microsdhc card is in a USB-based

=>      63  62333889    da4  MBR  (30G)
        63     16380         - free -  (8.0M)
     16443    131040  da4s1  fat32lba  [active]  (64M)
    147483       997         - free -  (499K)
    148480  62185470  da4s2  freebsd  (30G)
  62333950         2         - free -  (1.0K)

=>       0  62185470   da4s2  BSD  (30G)
         0  62185470  da4s2a  freebsd-ufs  (30G)

=>       0  62185470   ufsid/5b81680084249dc0  BSD  (30G)
         0  62185470  ufsid/5b81680084249dc0a  freebsd-ufs  (30G)

=>       0  62185470   ufs/PINE642GBrootfs  BSD  (30G)
         0  62185470  ufs/PINE642GBrootfsa  freebsd-ufs  (30G)

vs. when the same microsdhc card is in the mmcsd0 slot:

=>      63  62333889    mmcsd0  MBR  (30G)
        63     16380            - free -  (8.0M)
     16443    131040  mmcsd0s1  fat32lba  [active]  (64M)
    147483       997            - free -  (499K)
    148480  62185470  mmcsd0s2  freebsd  (30G)
  62333950         2            - free -  (1.0K)

Despite what the mmcsd0 case does not show, it seems to
work fine for the freebsd-ufs file system being the root
file system for booting from /dev/mmcsd0 .

In fact the /etc/fstab used has:

/dev/ufs/PINE642GBrootfs        /               ufs rw,noatime          1 1
/dev/label/PINE642GBboot        /boot/efi       msdosfs rw,noatime      0 0

which show up just fine:

# df -m
Filesystem               1M-blocks  Used Avail Capacity  Mounted on
/dev/ufs/PINE642GBrootfs     29400 26971    77   100%    /
devfs                            0     0     0   100%    /dev
/dev/label/PINE642GBboot        63     0    63     0%    /boot/efi

So the freebsd-ufs content is found and used.

Mark Millard
marklmi at
( went
away in early 2018-Mar)

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