Does anyone use sysutils/mmc-utils? How about on a Pine64+ 2GB? Does it work if you do?

Mark Millard marklmi at
Fri Aug 17 17:12:33 UTC 2018

I tried building (via poudriere-devel) and installing
sysutils/mmc-utils on the Pine64+ 2GB that I have
access to. But when I tried using it I got:

# mmc extcsd read /dev/mmcsd0 | more
ioctl: Operation timed out
Could not read EXT_CSD from /dev/mmcsd0

(There is an sdhc card in the slot, it provided the
kernel and earlier stage materials that the Pine64+
2GB used to boot that far.)

Is this surprising? Expected?

(I currently do not have access to other contexts
with an sdcard reader built in. So I can not test
if the issue is unique to Pine64+ 2GB in some way.)

Mark Millard
marklmi at
( went
away in early 2018-Mar)

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