FreeBSD ARM on 32-bit Apple Mobile Devices?

ken olson kenitholson at
Mon Apr 30 14:49:35 UTC 2018

Recently inherited an iPhone 4S.  Want to only use it for photography and audio (no phone or Internet). 

Since the 4S is Very hardware challenged would like to reduce the OS load as much as possible so am looking for an open-source iOS clone.
Did find "Project Magenta aims to create open-source iOS clone"  but nothing recent.
Had hoped that since all the 32 bit Apple Mobile Devices are now unsupported, there would be an interest in utilizing them for application specific purposes but to date have not found any groups discussing this.  
Since 32-bit, FreeBSD supports ARMv6 and ARMv7 can FreeBSD ARM run on Any 32-bit Apple Mobile Devices?
As beginner to FreeBSD ARM tried to search the archive  but to date have not found anything relevant.  
Have I missed anything?

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