Trying to boot the latest images on a RPi3 B fails

Ralf Wenk iz-rpi03 at
Mon Apr 30 07:41:56 UTC 2018


yesterday I tried to upgrade the content of the MSDOS boot partition
of a RPi3 B to that of the latest image:


As this gave me a non booting system - just the boot colors, no text of
any kind - I tried this image with a fresh micro SD card.

Now it does boot, but does not find a UFS partition or ZFS pool.

I reconfirmed on the system which wrote the image onto the SD card, that
it shows the expected UFS partition. A second try showed the same result.

After that I tried the all current RPi3 images from


The oldest two images do boot, the newer two do not.
The error message on both is the same. After not detecting a UFS
partition or ZFS pool they tried to boot from the network.

I also got the impression that both booting images are way slower in
loading the kernel as this image from February is: 
Bu I did not measure it yet.

Regards, Ralf

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