PINE64 - 12.0-CURRENT r324563 - ntpd can't keep time

Mark Millard markmi at
Tue Nov 14 09:45:58 UTC 2017

On 2017-Nov-13, at 11:06 PM, Henri Hennebert <hlh at> wrote:

>> . . .
> I believe that the clock of the Pine64+ is going too fast and that the 2 servers where polled and so show this offset/jitter. In an other occurrence of this problem, if I wait long enough, all servers display huge offset.
> In a old version of Freebsd12, when dev.cpu.0.freq was accessible, the problem appear when I force the frequency to 1200.

May be the time is just being damaged on occasion
or read-incorrectly sometimes? (Once seen as wrong,
the adjustment process will gradually change time
towards what it calculates as a supposedly better

Good to know that eventually  all the servers show
a large jitter(?) at the same time. (Jitter reflects
more history and so may be a better reference.)

> In the same network, other computers (amd64) get no problem with this ntpd configuration.

Good to know. It helps localize the issue.

>> It looks to me like you need to avoid those 2 severs,
>> substituting some others or some such. If some
>> communication channel(s) involved are corrupting data
>> then simply switching servers might not avoid the
>> issue?
>> I finally got a hold of the rpi3 and updated it to
>> -r325700 from back a -r320123. it has been up 9 hr
>> 40 min and date is still showing the correct time,
>> no evidence of huge offsets or huge jitter.
>> The Pine64+ 2GB is also at -r325700 now and has been
>> up for 2 days. It also is working fine. Again no
>> evidence of huge offsets or huge jitter.
> Did you run heavy jobs running on this system? My Pine64+ is managing my connection to internet (mpd5), named, dhcp, my mail (sendmail + cyrus-imap) and dspam with postgres as db. The problem crops up when for example I run a port upgrade.

I did a complete, from-scratch -j4 buildworld buildkernel
on the Pine64+ 2GB, keeping it busy for a little under
18 hr + 10 min as I remember. top showed that it used some
swapspace during this. I included:


But it did claim to reuse the system clang instead
of building a bootstrap clang compiler. Yet the
WITH_LLD_BOOTSTRAP= did lead to a bunch of
bootstrap activity anyway, so two builds of lld
related materials. (The purpose of the build
was to see if it would complete or not, extra work
made for a better test.)

It was on an earlier version than -r325700 
that I last rebuilt my ports but rebuilding the
ports has never caused a time problem either.
The ports builds were via poudriere.

But I do not use the Pine64+ 2GB for any of those
other things that you list as using yours for. I
do ssh over ethernet into the Pine64+ to work on
it but it is not a service provider at all, just
a machine for me to do build experiments with
(native and cross builds) and other forms of problem
investigations. nfs is present but little/rarely
used, and only temporarily in use at that.

As a step in potential isolation of what contributes
vs. what does not, could you temporarily revert to
not using/running the Pine64+ 2GB for the other
activities and try the ports builds and/or buildworld
buildkernel? Does it still have the problem in
something like my simpler context?

If time no long jumps, then you could add back an
activity and try again until the additions lead to
the time problem. That might give a clue what could
be interfering with time.

Also: I do not know if you have access to a 2nd
Pine64 to check for a device-specific problem by
switching devices temporarily. Such might also
allow keeping your services active while checking
the simpler context.

If Pine64s had a general time problem, there would
be a general problem for everyone else. I think the
stage of investigation is still: try to isolate a
smaller context sufficient to have the problem but
for which an even smaller context is observed to
not have the problem. Try to narrow the range of
differences between observed-working and
observed-failing to gain a clue about what
contributes to the problem vs. what does not.

FYI: Sitting idle the Pine64+ 2GB here shows
in top:

sshd: <?>@pts/0 (sshd)
sshd: <?> [priv] (sshd)
/usr/sbin/ntpd -g -c /etc/ntp.conf -p /var/run/ -f /var/db/ntpd.drift
sendmail: accepting connections (sendmail)
sendmail: Queue runner at 00:30:00 for /var/spool/clientmqueue (sendmail)
top -CawPosize
login [pam] (<login>)
su (<su>)
top -CawPosize
/usr/sbin/mountd -r
su (sh)
-sh (sh)
-sh (<sh>)
nfsd: master (nfsd)
dhclient: awg0 (dhclient)
/usr/sbin/cron -s (<cron>)
dhclient: awg0 [priv] (dhclient)
/usr/sbin/syslogd -s
nfsd: server (nfsd)

(I do not normally use sendmail for anything. It
just sits there while the Pine64+ 2GB is up. nfs
is normally idle but is used on occasion.)

FYI: The installed ports list (far more is built
by poudriere):

# pkg info
atf-0.21                       C, C++ and shell libraries to write ATF-compliant test programs
binutils-2.28,1                GNU binary tools
bonnie-2.0.6_1                 Performance Test of Filesystem I/O
bonnie++-1.97.3                Performance Test of Filesystem I/O
ca_root_nss-3.32.1             Root certificate bundle from the Mozilla Project
curl-7.56.1                    Command line tool and library for transferring data with URLs
dialog4ports-0.1.6             Console Interface to configure ports
dtrace-toolkit-1.0_1           Collection of useful scripts for DTrace
dwarfdump-20161124             Tool to display DWARF debugging information in ELF files
expat-2.2.1                    XML 1.0 parser written in C
freebsd-release-manifests-20171003 FreeBSD release manifests
gcc7-7.2.0_2                   GNU Compiler Collection 7
gdb-8.0.1_1                    GNU GDB of newer version than comes with the system
gettext-runtime-     GNU gettext runtime libraries and programs
git-lite-2.14.3                Distributed source code management tool (lite package)
gmp-6.1.2                      Free library for arbitrary precision arithmetic
indexinfo-0.3                  Utility to regenerate the GNU info page index
iorate-3.05                    General purpose storage I/O benchmarking tool
iozone-3.457                   Performance Test of Sequential File I/O
kyua-0.13_4,3                  Testing framework for infrastructure software
libedit-3.1.20170329_2,1       Command line editor library
libidn2-2.0.4                  Implementation of IDNA2008 internationalized domain names
libnghttp2-1.27.0              HTTP/2.0 C Library
libunistring-0.9.7             Unicode string library
lua52-5.2.4                    Small, compilable scripting language providing easy access to C code
lutok-0.4_6                    Lightweight C++ API for Lua
mpc-1.0.3                      Library of complex numbers with arbitrarily high precision
mpfr-3.1.6                     Library for multiple-precision floating-point computations
patch-2.7.5                    GNU patch utility
pcre-8.40_1                    Perl Compatible Regular Expressions library
perl5-5.24.3                   Practical Extraction and Report Language
pkg-1.10.1                     Package manager
portlint-2.17.13               Verifier for FreeBSD port directory
portmaster-3.17.10             Manage your ports without external databases or languages
poudriere-devel- Port build and test system
randomio-1.4                   Multithreaded disk i/o microbenchmark
readline-7.0.3_1               Library for editing command lines as they are typed
rsync-3.1.2_7                  Network file distribution/synchronization utility
sqlite3-3.20.1_2               SQL database engine in a C library
stress-1.0.4                   Tool to impose load on and stress test Unix-like systems
sudo-1.8.21p2                  Allow others to run commands as root
unzip-6.0_7                    List, test, and extract compressed files from a ZIP archive
wget-1.19.2                    Retrieve files from the Net via HTTP(S) and FTP
zip-3.0_1                      Create/update ZIP files compatible with PKZIP

So it is enough to keep the Pine64+ 2GB busy
for a a notable time when rebuilt. In particular,
gcc7-7.2.0_2 (and what it requires) takes a fair
time to build.

The poudriere build of the ports is currently the
primary thing the ports are used for: build tests
to catch build failures, should they occur.

Mark Millard
markmi at

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