Getting the kernel to let go of my UART!

Dustin Marquess dmarquess at
Sun Jan 22 05:07:42 UTC 2017

[Sorry if this is somewhat of a dupe, I have yet to find a solution]

I've been running FreeBSD on my Pi 3s for a little over a month now,
first using gonzo's SMP code + a home cross-compiled kernel, and then
I moved to the HardenedBSD images.  All of them work great except one
issue that's driving me nuts...

The downside to the Pi 3 vs some other boards is that there's really
only one UART tied to the GPIO pins.  I'm trying to feed my Pi 3 with
a GPS board.

1st issue: The NMEA stream upsets U-boot.  Fine, compiled my own and
that's "fixed".

2nd issue: Even with a USB keyboard attached and HDMI output
connected, FreeBSD still wants to steal the first uart (ttyu0) as a
console port.  I thought that would be fine as long as I use "-m -n
-q" in the boot config to disable kernel output and then "conscontrol
delete ttyu0".  Well, that KIND of works.  It seems to work fine when
using 115200bps, but trying to change the baud rate to match the GPS
unit doesn't seem to work at all, I'm guessing because it's still set
as an available console?

hint.uart.0.flags="0x0" doesn't work, as it still marks it as a
console.  console="efi" seems to be the only setting that works,
"vidconsole" and "nullconsole" both don't work.

Is there a way to stop the kernel from trying to claim the UART as a console?


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