updating armv6 snapshots

Dr. Rolf Jansen rj at obsigna.com
Wed Jan 11 18:17:11 UTC 2017

> Am 11.01.2017 um 14:57 schrieb jungle Boogie <jungleboogie0 at gmail.com>:
> Hi All,
> This question has likely been covered before but I don't see it listed
> on the wiki:
> https://wiki.freebsd.org/FreeBSD/arm/BeagleBoneBlack
> If I'm on 12.0-CURRENT #0 r311461 on my beaglebone, what's the best
> way to get to the latest snapshot?
> I don't see src files for armv6 here:
> https://download.freebsd.org/ftp/snapshots/arm/armv6/
> So does that mean the options are:
> a) svnlite in /usr/src and do the build (any tips on making it faster?)
> b) save configs and install new ISO snapshot?
> If b is the best option, all installed applications are lost. Is it
> possible to save apps off the beaglebone and put back in respective
> places on bbone's new ISO image, or would that cause ABI/API issues?
> c) stick with r311461
> d) anything else?
> Thanks for any input!

I did already once the following:

1. installed sysutils/clone from the ports
   # pkg install clone

2. dd'd the latest snapshot onto a USB memstick
   and mounted /dev/da0s2a to /mnt

3. (optional) saved the changed settings in /etc and /boot

4. used several clone commands in synch mode for replacing
   the old snapshot installation by the new one using the
   following shell script


clone -s -x local /mnt/usr /usr
clone -s /mnt/sbin /sbin
clone -s /mnt/rescue /rescue
clone -s /mnt/libexec /libexec
clone -s /mnt/lib /lib
clone -s /mnt/bin /bin
clone -s -x loader.conf /mnt/boot /boot
clone -s -x fstab:group:localtime:master.passwd:motd:passwd:pwd.db:rc.conf:rc.local:resolv.conf:spwd.db:ssh:ssl /mnt /etc

The above script operates on the live system, and replacing the old installation by the new snapshot takes less then 10 min.

You would need to check the exclude lists (-x) whether all your changed settings are listed.

/dev, /home, /media, /mnt, /proc, /root, /tmp, /usr/local, /var are left untouched.

If you feel more comfortable then first clone your boot device and do a test upgrade on the clone.

If you do a major upgrade (e.g. 11-CURRENT to 12-CURRENT) then you need to rebuild the ports, of course.

Best regards


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