
Chris Boley ilgtech75 at gmail.com
Sun Jan 8 18:38:55 UTC 2017

I just purchased a Banana Pi Router with the switch built in. I was truly
hoping to traffic shape with this device. It can be done in Linux with the
tc package, but I was truly hoping to deploy the Freebsd / ARM software and
do it with that. Does anyone know of any place I can do some reading on
this? I have done extensive research on this running regular x86 and amd64
platforms. I've successfully deployed traffic shaping on other
architectures. I was just looking to see if it's even possible to set the
kernel up for altq/hfsc on these Pi platforms. I wasn't seeing much about
it after doing the googling. I'm waiting on my Pi device to arrive in the
mail. If I don't get answers I will just try and see what problems I run



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