Pi3 vchiq driver?

Karl Denninger karl at denninger.net
Fri Feb 10 22:22:07 UTC 2017

On 2/10/2017 16:19, Oleksandr Tymoshenko wrote:
> Karl Denninger (karl at denninger.net) wrote:
>> I assume this will provide the audio service (which is currently not
>> available) on the Pi3.
>> Attempting to include it results in a handful of compilation errors. 
>> They'd be easy to fix for the instant case but generalizing them so they
>> ALSO compile on the Pi2 would likely be a good idea, and I'm
>> less-certain on the "right" way to do that.
> ... skipped ...
>> Guidance?
> VCHI driver is designed for 32-bit system. It passes pointers as opaque
> values to VideoCore and expectes them mirrored back and reused as
> pointers. This is not going to work on 64-bit system. It can be fixed
> but it's not a matter of adding more #ifdefs some additional logic
> required. There is also a matter of userland-facing API which is not
> relevant for audio driver but relevant for OpenGL and other parts of
> raspberrypi-userland port.
> I have some work in progress but it's far from proper state.


The i2c driver compiles on the Pi3 but I don't know if it works yet.  I
also have yet to check the GPIO outputs (the "led" driver does *not*
work and that might portend bad things, but we'll see.)  I'll get the
breadboard out with one of my spare i2c modules and see if I can talk to it.

Karl Denninger
karl at denninger.net <mailto:karl at denninger.net>
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