Bizarre clone attempt failures on Raspberry Pi2...

Ian Lepore ian at
Fri Jul 15 21:18:00 UTC 2016

On Fri, 2016-07-15 at 16:03 -0500, Karl Denninger wrote:
> As an aside the new u-boot *does* speak to a USB keyboard out-of-box.
> I am going to attempt to build the environment in boot.scr, which
> should
> work (since it reads THAT as well off the boot media) -- if that
> works
> it obviates the need for a specific compilation for FreeBSD in the
> port.
> Needless to say that's a fairly-material win if it works.

FreeBSD needs a build of u-boot that adds the CONFIG_API option so that
loader(8) works.  From what I've heard, recent versions of u-boot have
broken the CONFIG_API option as part of the "device model" work.  So a
u-boot new enough that usb keyboards work on rpi is probably too new to
work with our need for CONFIG_API.

Our path forward probably involves abandoning CONFIG_API (since they
seem disinclined to support it) and using the new EFI support u-boot
provides.  But we don't have an EFI loader for armv6 yet either (and I
don't know that anybody has worked on that yet).

-- Ian

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