11-Alpha to 11-Beta rewrite card or buildworld

Karl Denninger karl at denninger.net
Sun Jul 10 23:53:03 UTC 2016

On 7/10/2016 18:48, Alex Thomas wrote:
> Started playing around on a Raspberry Pi 2, it has 11-Alpha5 saw that Beta1
> is out. Is it better to rewrite the card and start over, or take the couple
> of days to do buildworld/buildkernel?
I have a cross-build setup on one of my higher-powered AMD systems, so I
build the new Pi software on that.  It winds up with a "nfsroot/"
directory structure, and then you can rsync that over the top of the
running Pi system or shut it down, pull the card, mount the card on the
AMD box and rsync it over that way.

Beware that you must also make sure the DTB file gets copied onto the
dos partition or it may not boot, but if that happens it's easy to fix.

This also is a good way to find out that the card is buggered (failing)
too - I've had that happen twice, and with it mounted on the AMD machine
in a USB slot (plug-in stick adapter) it actually panic'd the underlying
box!  Considering that it was mounted as a *data* drive and the OS
itself was running off a ZFS partition (that is, not even the buffer
cache was shared!) that surprised me, but it's completely repeatable. 
Get I/O errors out of the CAM layer on 11 and there's a decent shot the
box will blow up.

Karl Denninger
karl at denninger.net <mailto:karl at denninger.net>
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