fixing python uses VFP register arguments, /usr/local/lib/ does not

bob prohaska fbsd at
Fri Jul 8 19:49:04 UTC 2016

On Fri, Jul 08, 2016 at 12:29:34PM -0700, Mark Millard wrote:
> If I understand correctly the message actually is complaining that /usr/local/lib/ is still using softloat.
> In other words: The VFP register usage for floating point arguments is the new hardfloat way of passing such arguments and that part of the message indicates the as-desired part of the complaint. It is the non-VFP part of the complaint that indicates where a problem is.
Sorry, that was a poorly-worded subject line. 

The issue was resolved by uninstalling python34 and then reinstalling. I'm puzzled that the needed library
(which was apparently part of python34) wasn't recompiled in the course of a normal make and make install.

Thanks for reading,

bob prohaska

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