libm long double functions on ARMv6.

Kyle Evans kevans91 at
Thu Aug 18 03:35:06 UTC 2016


(Posting this to freebsd-arm@ alone, because I'm at a loss as to where
else this may belong and it is at least relevant to FreeBSD on ARM)

Upon reviewing net/freerdp's build log [1] for ARMv6, it appears that
the `fmodl` symbol does not properly resolve on ARMv6. [2] would seem
to indicate (to me, at least) that this is unexpected behavior, and
that `fmodl` should be happily aliased to `fmod` on platform (along
with a couple of others).

However, I'm not seeing any evidence that this aliasing actually
happens in FreeBSD. On the other hand, I'm also expecting to see
something as obvious as NetBSD's [3], where it explicitly does a
__strong_alias(__ieee754_fmodl, __ieee754_fmod). Is there some other
magic that should be at play that is missing, or is this otherwise


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