Allwinner H3 - OrangePi Plus Status

Mattia Rossi mattia.rossi.mailinglists at
Tue Aug 2 09:24:33 UTC 2016

Hi all,

given that I have one of those things to play with, I wanted to ask what 
the status is these days?

I figured that Ethernet support is working but just missing in U-Boot, 
video seems not to work yet (but I don't care) and as usual WiFi is not 
working, as there's no SDIO support. Is that correct?

What's the status for SATA?

And the most important question:

How do I build the image for an OrangePi right now? Do I need a specific 
Fork off Github or do I build an Image from HEAD (12.0) or do I need 
some additional Patches so that things work?

Can anyone give me a hint?



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