pi2+ natd issue and ipnat issue

laszlo vagner george at vagner.com
Mon Oct 12 14:23:17 UTC 2015

i just installed the 10/08 snapshot on my rasberry pi2+ board and was 
attempting to use it for a gateway by using a USB network card and the 
onboard card for routing.

i successfully got both interfaces up and working and the firewall is up 
and working
but if i try and run natd it dies with signal 10 almost immediately, if 
i try and run ipnat instead it also dies but nothing in messages telling 
me why.

so i thought that maybe the USB network card was the issue and said ok, 
ill just use a wireless usb card, i configured the wireless card to 
connect up to my access point and got that working fine. tried to run 
natd crash again signal 10 bus error.

anyone know if the kernel was built with ipdivert option or if that is 
the problem?

the interfaces are ue0 and ue1 and i tried to swap them as the inside 
and outside net cards with same problem.

im at a loss as to why natd wont run and it makes my PI useless as a router.

Oct 11 18:04:17 rpi2 kernel: ifa_maintain_loopback_route: deletion 
failed for interface ue0: 3
Oct 11 18:05:29 rpi2 kernel: pid 1195 (natd), uid 0: exited on signal 10 
(core d
Oct 11 18:06:53 rpi2 kernel: pid 1557 (natd), uid 0: exited on signal 10 
(core d

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