tmp management, simple layout

Stefan Parvu sparvu at
Wed Oct 7 05:54:23 UTC 2015

Why do we ship the default ARM configuration having /var/log, /var/tmp
and /tmp as separate memory based file systems on RPI ? We could have
only /tmp and the rest would point to it.

md		/tmp		mfs rw,noatime,-s50m	0 0
md		/var/log	mfs rw,noatime,-s15m	0 0
md		/var/tmp	mfs rw,noatime,-s10m	0 0

IT would make sense to better conserve the memory and have a single
place for it, on such tiny hardware configuration.


md /tmp mfs rw,noatime,-s75m 0 0

/var/log -> /tmp
/var/tmp -> /tmp

Comments ?

Stefan Parvu <sparvu at>

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