RPi2 support...

Tim Kientzle tim at kientzle.com
Sun May 10 06:18:29 UTC 2015

> On May 9, 2015, at 10:05 PM, Jordan Hubbard <jordan.hubbard at gmail.com> wrote:
> Seeing as how integral Crochet is to building FreeBSD/ARM, I was just curious what the roadmap for it is.  Is it going to enter the FreeBSD tree as an additional build tool, or is there some plan to eventually have “make release” simply cross-build for the various ARM platforms with the Crochet arguments / build options being subsumed into that, or… ?

Actually, I disagree that Crochet is “integral” to building
FreeBSD/ARM.  What most people really want is to just
download a pre-built image, and Glen has done great work
towards getting “Official FreeBSD images” available for the most
popular boards.  Official package support for ARM also
sounds like it’s getting closer.

This is all great stuff.

It does, incidentally, reduce some of the need for a tool like
Crochet, though I think Crochet definitely continues to have
a role.

In particular, Crochet provides a variety of customization options
that I doubt “make release” will ever support.  Being developed
on github, Crochet also makes it easy for people to contribute
new board support.  This will allow Crochet to help iron out
support for new boards, as recently happened with RPi2 and

For the future:  I would love to see Crochet gain robust support for
installing packages as part of the build (there is some support
today but it’s not as robust as I’d like) and I would also
love for Crochet to be able to run without root privileges.


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