ARM VERATILEPB 11.0-current under Qemu

George Abdelmalik george at
Sun Mar 22 21:48:17 UTC 2015

Hi list,

For the past few days I've been trying to run a 11.0-current build of FreeBSD
using a VERSATILEPB kernel under Qemu.

I've built the kernel and filesystem images using the crochet tools and all
references I've managed to find on the internet suggest that the following
Qemu command invocation should work:

% qemu-system-arm -machine versatilepb -m 128 -cpu arm1176 \
	-kernel FreeBSD-VERSATILEPB.flash \
	-hda FreeBSD-armv6-11.0-VERSATILEPB-r280209.img

And for me it partially does until the Qemu terminal output displays the
following and the messages outputted by the booting kernel within the VM's
window come to a stop.

pulseaudio: set_sink_input_volume() failed
pulseaudio: Reason: Invalid argument
pulseaudio: set_sink_input_mute() failed
pulseaudio: Reason: Invalid argument
main-loop: WARNING: I/O thread spun for 1000 iterations

I think the pulseaudio notices are harmless, the output of the warning however
coincides with when the booting of the kernal stops.

Firstly I'd just like to know if anyone has seen this behaviour before, or am
I alone here which perhaps points to a local issue on my side. I should also
point out that I'm running Qemu on Linux as sadly for the moment I've not 
access to a FreeBSD baremetal machine.

Any pointers as to how to further investigate, or reports of success or
otherwise with ARM under Qemu would be very welcomed.


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