disabling journaling?

Brett Wynkoop freebsd-arm at wynn.com
Tue Mar 3 09:36:45 UTC 2015

On Tue, 3 Mar 2015 09:13:35 +0100
Kurt Jaeger <lists at opsec.eu> wrote:

> Hi!
> > Should crochet be adjusted for it in lib/disk.sh?
> Yes, journaling should be disabled.
> We disable journaling on all our UFS devices and in addition use this:
> background_fsck="NO"
> fsck_y_enable="YES"
That last bit could lead to lots of data loss if you have a badly hosed
UFS.  I do have it set on one REMOTE system that needs to come back up
after power failure in my cabin in the woods, but if everything on that
system goes away it is no loss as the data there is pretty static and
in other places as well.

Better to run fsck by hand and see how many problems there are, then
decide if it makes sense to mount read only and copy the data off
before doing the fsck -y.

On the subject of journaling I do not think we should turn it off in
crochet at this time.  I have had exactly no problems with
ufs on the root of my BBone, which is why I suspect
my issues are centered more around USB than anything UFS related.  

I also have a couple of older x86 systems that can not run zfs which
have softupdates and journaling on with no issues.  There were issues
at one point, but last time I saw Kirk in NYC he assured me the bugs
were smashed.

If it turns out one of the kernel types on here discovers from my
backtraces that the problem is related to UFS and not USB then I
suggest we put the data together and ask Kirk to take a look at it.



wynkoop at wynn.com               http://prd4.wynn.com/wynkoop/pgp-keys.txt

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