Crochet Updates for RPi, BeagleBone

kah42pub kah42pub at
Thu Aug 6 23:40:24 UTC 2015

On 7/19/15 18:39, Tim Kientzle wrote:
> I just committed changes to Crochet so that it now uses the U-Boot ports for RPi and BeagleBone (including BBB).  It already used the port for RPi2.
> If people want to change other boards, you can use the RPi, RPi2, or BeagleBone configurations as examples.  Generally, switching to using a port does seem to simplify the code.
> Let me know if you run into any problems…
> Tim
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Has anyone successfully built the u-boot-rpi port recently for RPI-B?
This configuration fails for me:

Build system:
- Ports up to date as of 6-Aug-2015
- amd64 11.0-CURRENT FreeBSD 11.0-CURRENT #0 r285616: Thu Jul 16
- With or without MAKE_JOBS_UNSAFE set
- FreeBSD clang version 3.6.1
- Have also tried with gcc5 with the same errors as with clang

First problem is the file include/linux/compiler-gcc.h is missing.  I
found a u-boot patch for that and got past it but the port should
probably get updated for this.

Next error, after the missing file, is
main.c:55:6: error: 'show_boot_progress' aliased to external symbol

Setting MAKE_JOBS_UNSAFE produces a different set of errors but it still
doesn't work.

So, before digging into this any further, does anyone know if there is
an easy fix for this or has anyone else seen it?  Now that crochet uses
the port for u-boot this seems to be essential.

Thanks for any advice and let me know if more information is required.


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