ssh-add fails on passphrase after a while (armv5)

Ronald Klop ronald-lists at
Tue Aug 4 13:50:02 UTC 2015


I have this weird issue with my Sheevaplug/armv5 on 11-CURRENT.
After booting it works ok for a while, but after some time ssh/ssh-add or  
others do not want to accept my passphrase anymore. No errors. It just  
repeats the question to type in the phrase again. A bit annoying off  

It has happened multiple times now and I always double checked caps-lock,  
etc. Also typed my passphrase in an editor and copy-pasted it.  
Copy-pasting it in a viewable line gives it correctly.

I'm often logged in from Putty/Windows from the office. I'm not sure if it  
only happens there. Will take note in the future.

Any suggestions? Has anybody seen this behaviour before?


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