HC-SR04 and FreeBSD

Rui Paulo rpaulo at FreeBSD.org
Thu Aug 21 04:51:11 UTC 2014

On Aug 20, 2014, at 21:48, Evandro Nunes <evandronunes12 at gmail.com> wrote:

> hello,
> ive got a ultrasonic sensor model HC-SR04 and a beaglebone black as well as
> a cubieboard2, both running FreeBSD 11 built from crochet and wiki
> instructions
> thanks to the help from loos@ I could manage to use a 5v relay with BBB
> now, how can I read data from HC-SR04 sensor? do we have any library
> available? or do we have any GPIO utility to do that?
> btw how can I read values from GPIO pins when they are set to input?

I wrote a library to handle GPIO on FreeBSD:


You can also use the gpioctl utility in FreeBSD to read values.

Rui Paulo

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