raspberry pi BCM2708 hardware watchdog

Oleksandr Tymoshenko gonzo at bluezbox.com
Tue Oct 22 06:05:26 UTC 2013

On 2013-10-20, at 4:42 PM, Andreas Schwarz <freebsd.asc at strcmp.org> wrote:

> Hi,
> the BCM2708 SoC contain a hardware watchdog, using it, would be a good solution
> for the people which are running a remote rpi 24/7 to avoid these sudden system 
> freezes.
> The watchdog (bcmwd0) is found when booting, but I'm not able to use it with the 
> watchdogd (which is using /dev/fido to communicate with the watchdog). Seems
> that something is still missing. Any ideas?
> root at pizelot:~ # dmesg | grep Watchdog
> bcmwd0: <BCM2708/2835 Watchdog> mem 0x2010001c-0x20100027 on simplebus0
> root at pizelot:~ # /etc/rc.d/watchdogd start
> Starting watchdogd.
> watchdogd: watchdog_patpat failed: Operation not supported
> watchdogd: patting the dog: Operation not supported
> /etc/rc.d/watchdogd: WARNING: failed to start watchdogd

Watchdog was used for rebooting device only.  I've just committed support for 
actual watchdog function: http://svnweb.freebsd.org/changeset/base/256871

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