Instability on Raspberry Pi

Jia-Shiun Li jiashiun at
Mon Oct 14 04:54:13 UTC 2013

On Mon, Oct 14, 2013 at 3:40 AM, Diane Bruce <db at> wrote:
> On Sun, Oct 13, 2013 at 11:23:04PM +0400, Sevan / Venture37 wrote:
>> Hi guys,
>> I experience hard locks on my Pi whether the system is compiling or
>> extracting files.
>> Consistent test is running portsnap alfred.
>> Currently running FreeBSD 11.0-CURRENT #27 r256425: Sun Oct 13 12:42:30
>> UTC 2013.
>> The image was built using the script from
>> Any pointers much appreciated on what to try next to help debug the issue.
> It would help to see any panic logs or other symptoms.
> It just locks up totally? Nothing else works?

I am seeing similar sympton on both BBB and RPi. It occasionally hang
hard. Neither video (on RPi) nor serial console works, and nothing
printed on console in prior.

It usually happens during or after heavy loading works. e.g. build
world, build big application from ports (graphics/graphviz in my
case). During or after the heavy works, some simple actions could
cause system to hang. "Simple actions" includes creating a new window
in tmux, executing a command like 'ps ad' in another tmux window, or
simply typing incomplete command in shell and press tab to trigger
completion (I use tcsh). I can tell these actions caused hangs because
I have clock running on tmux status line.

To me it seems to be related to memory management stuff, or locking.
But this is only wild guess.


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