The Next BeagleBone Better & Faster for Less!

George Rosamond george at
Mon Mar 11 13:50:50 UTC 2013

On 03/11/13 06:37, Alie Tan wrote:
> Sneek peek:

I tried via a contact at CircuitCo, but it would be nice if some devs
could get a pre-release board or at least the specs so we had a
jump-start on porting efforts.

I'm a bit confused by the production process involved..

1.  TI makes the chip

2.  The open design is implemented by a variety (?) of manufacturers

3.  You have a bunch of distributors

But with this board, I cant seem to identify who would be privy to the
specs on the new board...

Anyone?  Some leads to ping for the specs would be nice for Tim, Gonzo, etc.


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