Efika MX build breaks

Aleksandr Rybalko ray at freebsd.org
Mon Jun 10 11:36:22 UTC 2013

On Wed, 5 Jun 2013 21:53:29 +0200
Guillaume Bibaut <yom at iaelu.net> wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm trying to build freebsd for Efika MX, but it seems that the build breaks at some point.
> I've been using this blog post :
> http://raybsd.blogspot.fr/2013/02/easy-way-to-do-it-try-freebsd-on-efika.html
> I've tried with 2 different VM : 9.1-RELEASE amd64, and 10H (current) amd64 from this morning,
> and it seems to generate the same error.
> The complete output log can be found here : http://iaelu.net/~yom/make.log
> I'm pasting here just the end :
> Is there something I'm doing wrong ?
> Guillaume Bibaut (y0m on irc)

Hi Guillaume and all!

As I know Guillaume already find solution (use HEAD instead of
obsoleted project/efika_mx branch). Guillaume, am I right?

Anyway, I'm going to delete project/efika_mx branch to not confuse
people anymore :)


Aleksandr Rybalko <ray at freebsd.org>

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