FreeBSD on Zedboard (Xilinx Zynq-7000) SD card image

Thomas Skibo ThomasSkibo at
Thu Feb 28 00:11:23 UTC 2013


I've created an SD card image to make it easy to test-drive FreeBSD on 
the Zedboard.  The 150MB (compressed) image is on my zedbsd site at

The caveat is that the kernel crashes occasionally when the Zedboard 
tries to ftp a file to a local filesystem.  I might post here again soon 
soliciting help on that one (it looks like a stale TLB entry causes a 
fault when copying user data to a file buffer).  But, I thought it might 
be worth releasing this image anyway.

Let me know if it (otherwise) works or doesn't work for you.


Thomas Skibo
ThomasSkibo at

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