Pretty good RPi version?

Ralf Wenk iz-rpi03 at
Tue Aug 27 07:21:47 UTC 2013

On 2013-Aug-25 05:07:37 -0700, Adrian Chadd <adrian at> wrote:
>All - if it's unstable, please complain loudly on -arm and -current and
>file PRs. If you have the time, please help figure out which commit(s)
>broke things.

There is a bug preventing mount_smbfs to work on arm. Details and a patch
are in the bug report
I am sorry, it only got to -fs.

After learning that ist is caused by assumption when doing casting to
a different type I am a little bit worried if this could be the cause
of other bugs/problems, e.g. the newfs problem on arm pr=177538, as well.


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