Pretty good RPi version?

Jakob Alvermark jakob at
Mon Aug 26 08:34:54 UTC 2013

On 25 aug 2013, at 17:27, Tim Kientzle wrote:

> On Aug 25, 2013, at 12:55 AM, Jia-Shiun Li wrote:
>> On Sun, Aug 25, 2013 at 2:30 AM, George Mitchell <george+freebsd at> wrote:
>>> What's a pretty good recent Raspberry Pi svn checkout version?  254544
>>> doesn't seem to be it -- it crashes as soon as I try to make install in
>>> /usr/ports/ports-mgmt/pkg.  Although I'm tempted to grab one of the
>>> prebuilt images at, I'll have to be doing
>>> some recompiling for debug purposes.  I see that latest couple of
>>> versions there are 252209 and 250580.  Are those pretty good?  (By
>>> "pretty good", I mean capable of running a light load in a fairly
>>> stable way over a period of days.)  Thanks for your help!   -- George
>> I got the same question. I was trying to update RPi this week, but
>> several attempts has failed. RPi would hang at high load like
>> "portsnap fetch extract" or "cd /usr/ports/graphics/graphviz && make
>> install clean". By "hang" I mean ssh session and console had no
>> response. But it still replies to ICMP and TCP connection handshake
>> requests. Looks like something got stuck in the kernel.
> Do you have a serial console?
> If so, is it still responsive there?
> I've been seeing a similar problem on BB.  In those
> cases, typing a key on the serial console unblocks it.

Hi, I see something similar on my Allwinner A13 (Olimex board)

Running 'portsnap fetch' hangs after a while.

Serial console is dead as well!

A13 support is not in the tree, but it is very similar to the A10 (Cubieboard). I have some local patches, which I intend to send to someone for review (Tim? Ganbold?)
I just need to get around to clean them up a bit first.


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