System freezes when using scp

Krister Olofsson krister.olofsson at
Thu Aug 8 14:42:21 UTC 2013


I don't notice any pause if I ssh to it. (The pause using scp is ca 3
I've tested netcast and there is no problem if I send the output to
but the system reboots if I send it to a file.
I've also tested to copy the file using nfs and there is no problem with

Running 'cat file' (file size ca 50 Mb) sometimes causes the problem after
ca 10 s, but not always.
If I do ssh to a third machine and run 'cat file' the problem always occurs
at once


2013/8/8 Ian Lepore <ian at>

> On Thu, 2013-08-08 at 13:44 +0200, Krister Olofsson wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I'm working with a board with FreeBSD 8.2 on Marvell MV78100 (Discovery
> > SOC) - an ARMv5TE and Marvell Gigabit Ethernet controller.
> > My problem is that when I copy files (size ca 50 Mb) with scp using
> > ethernet, the system
> > seems to freeze for a few seconds before the copy process starts.
> > The board has an external watchdog that has to be kicked but the script
> > doing this freezes and the system is rebooted by the watchdog.
> >
> > Any ideas how to tackle this?
> >
> > Regards,
> > Krister
> >
> > Configuration:
> >
> > #
> > # Custom kernel for PROJ, based on Marvell's DB-78xx
> > #
> > [...]
> Do you get the same kind of pause interactively ssh'ing to it?  When you
> say "a few seconds" what do you mean?  3 seconds?  8?  30?
> I think a good first step is to figure out whether the problem is
> related to ssh, or network IO, or disk IO.  You can take ssh out of the
> picture by using netcat to test, something like:
>  On the arm:  nc -l 8000 >/output/file
>  On the sender: nc <ip of arm> 8000 </input/file
> If you send the output to /dev/null on the arm you're just testing the
> network part.
> In my experience, a long pause at the start of an ssh session followed
> by normal performance after that is what you get when a wimpy arm chip
> with software floating point generates the session keys.  But that's
> based on experience with a 180mhz armv4 chip.  I've never noticed that
> sort of slowness on my DreamPlug (1.2ghz Marvell Kirkwood chips).
> -- Ian

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