Globalscale Dreamplug and 8.3 RELEASE

Dave Hayes dave at
Thu Aug 2 23:45:47 UTC 2012

On 08/01/12 11:41, Ian Lepore wrote:
> As to this other part of your message that I didn't answer with my last
> reply... I think the most important fix you need that isn't already in
> 8.3 is the change to avoid leaving the i-cache bit disabled on
> executable pages after loading a program or shared lib.
> I had posted a workaround patch for that on this list a few months ago,
> which was oriented towards being as small a change as possible to
> implement the workaround.  Since then, my patch was reworked by kib@
> into a much more complete and robust change, but that change hasn't
> found its way back to freebsd 8.x yet.
> The change that got committed to 9 and 10 doesn't apply cleanly to 8,
> but this is something we need at work, so I'll get it back-ported to 8
> and post the patch Sometime Soon(tm).

Thanks very much for this, and especially for a response!

For reference, I've since compiled FreeBSD 9.1-PRERELEASE for the 
dreamplug based on some information on this list, and that seems to see 
both ethernet ports fine.

I'll probably go with 9.1 for my "production" dreamplug since that works 
currently for me, but I will likely need to run both 9.1 and 8.3. So I'd 
be happy to test any patches you come up with.

In the meantime I'm still somewhat struggling with building ports for 
ARM. Having abandoned cross-compilation for various reasons, I'm trying 
unsuccessfully to get QEMU to run an arm ports builder on 9.1-PRERELEASE 
using this GUMSTIX kernel idea. I would like to find a real step-by-step 
guide for this; those that are out there do not appear to work properly. 
I know 10 has some easier way, but has anyone tried this on 9.1? Are 
there alternative suggestions I might consider?
Dave Hayes - Consultant - Altadena CA, USA - dave at
 >>>> *The opinions expressed above are entirely my own* <<<<

"How often do you shave?" "Twenty or thirty times a day."
"You must be a freak!"               "No, only a barber."

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