cpu_throw()/cpu_switch() and L2

Mark Tinguely tinguely at casselton.net
Tue Dec 29 20:46:50 UTC 2009

FYI esp Sheeva users with corruption issues:

I was looking at my new swtch.S routine and noticed that cpu_throw()
and cpu_switch() do not wbinv the level 2 cache. For the majority of
the ARMv5 processors this does not do anything. This could effect the
Sheeva. Looking at the Sheeva "setttb" routine, wbinv both level 1 and
level 2 caches, which it needs to to if the level 2 cache is virtually

In my opinion, we should remove the l2 cache operation calls because if
an architecture uses a virtual indexed level 2 caches, then the level cache
will need to wb/inv everytime the level 1 cache is wb/inv; It makes more
sense to me to do them together. One advantage is we would not miss cache
flushing situation like the ones above.

The caches in the newer architectures are PIPT, and don't need to be flushed 
for context changes, and pages sharing, etc.


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