/etc/motd summary

Warren Block wblock at wonkity.com
Mon Sep 8 19:08:14 UTC 2014

Summarizing the responses and changes to /etc/motd:

   Using ANSI has both philosphical and practical problems, and should be
   avoided.  In short, it has cooties.

   Extra horizontal whitespace is the least likely to cause problems as
   command delimiters, and inoffensive to most responders.  Rearranging
   the information into a list of URLs is a net win.

   Shorter is better.  A simpler motd that links to a single web page
   might be acceptable.

My suggestions:


Here is the most popular/least objectionable version with all of the 
suggestions implemented as best I could:


I suggest that I commit this in time for 10.1.


Creating a "FreeBSD Technical Support Resources" page, or updating an 
existing one, is something we can and should do anyway.  Once we have 
that, it can be used in motd.  (Or proposed, anyway.  To me, it seems 
like a conceptually bigger step than using ANSI.  Fahrradschuppen ahoy!)

man(1) is very weak for new users.  A doc PR just showed up today 
mentioning that it does not describe the various sections.  That is 
actually in intro(1), intro(2), and so on.  Congratulations if you 
remember those, it's usually a hunt for me.

Man page notation is also a problem for new users, and also not 
explained in man(1).  Is it explained anywhere in the man pages?  Even 
if it is, some examples in man(1) would help.

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