XML Output: libxo - provide single API to output TXT, XML, JSON and HTML

Phil Shafer phil at juniper.net
Mon Aug 18 13:11:51 UTC 2014

Stefan Esser writes:
>Is it possible to introduce a "xo" command which takes a command
>line as an argument (in the same way as e.g. "time").  A sample
>usage could be "xo ls -s", which should invoke "ls -l" with its
>output converted to XML (and "xo -json ls -l" could produce JSON

I've implemented the "--libxo" option, in a function called
xo_parse_args(), that it called before getopt* and processes and
removes libxo options.  See the example on:


FWIW, there's an "xo" command packaged with libxo that perform
similar to the printf(1) command:

% xo --wrap top/data 'My {:pet} is {:age} years old\n' dog 2
My dog is 2 years old
% xo --xml --pretty --wrap top/data 'My {:pet} is {:age} years old\n' dog 2


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