Aliasing issue with TAILQ on ppc64 ?

Poul-Henning Kamp phk at
Tue Sep 18 12:59:24 UTC 2012

In Varnish I have adopted <sys/queue.h> and today I saw a weird issue
on a PPC64 platform, which makes me wonder if we have a potential
aliasing issue with TAILQs.

The backwards pointers in TAILQs point to the forward pointer of
the previous element, rather than to the top of the previous

To go backwards you therefore have to go two steps backwards and
one step forward.

TAILQ_PREV and TAILQ_LAST do this by assuming that the head and
element structures for a TAILQ are the same, and casts the point
from &(elem->next) to &head, and dereferences head->last as a proxy
for elem->prev.  This is elegant, but not type-safe.

I have not 100% confirmed, that in the in problem we had with PPC64,
the compiler in this case fails to spot the aliasing.  When I made
the head-struct volatile, the problem went away, which it also did
when I put in a function call at the suspect place to force a
register spill.

I have previously tried to find a way to rewrite TAILQ_LAST/PREV
to be type-safe, but utterly failed, and I have reached the
conclusion that with the current "API" or minor modifications
thereof, that is patently impossible.

It may be a good idea to find some way to make sure the compiler
spots the potential aliasing, but I am not sufficiently up to
date on compiler optimizations to know a safe and reliable way
to do that. (Would explicitly casting throuh a void do it ?)



lines 388-393.

The problem happens on startup, when the ban_head list is empty,
and I belive the issue is that the (V)TAILQ_INSERT_HEAD() has not
stored the head->last pointer, by the time the (V)TAILQ_LAST() tries
to dereference it, and that the compiler does not spot the aliasing.

Poul-Henning Kamp       | UNIX since Zilog Zeus 3.20
phk at FreeBSD.ORG         | TCP/IP since RFC 956
FreeBSD committer       | BSD since 4.3-tahoe
Never attribute to malice what can adequately be explained by incompetence.

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