arch-independent disks in sys/boot, libstand

Andriy Gapon avg at
Wed May 11 10:43:28 UTC 2011

on 11/05/2011 12:16 Doug Rabson said the following:
> There is an example of this in sys/boot/zfs. The approach taken is to scan
> physical drives as they appear and piece them together into ZFS pools based on the
> drive metadata. The pools appear as devices in the device table and the actual ZFS
> filesystem reader is built on top of that.

Yes, thank you, I've seen that code.
My question was not specific enough - I am interested in the things like
i386_fmtdev vs other archs, i386_parsedev vs other archs, struct i386_devdesc vs
other archs, etc.
I.e. I would like to make ZFS representable (in some shape) via struct devdesc.
But it seems that every supported arch has its own extension of struct devdesc
that it uses and its own set of functions to work with that struct.
Or, using another example, I'd like to be able to specify something like
"zfs:/pool/fs:/boot/kernel" as a kernel name and have that work for all archs.
I'd hate to duplicate code that would handle that acress all xxx_parsedev
implementations for all architectures.

> On 10 May 2011 10:47, Andriy Gapon <avg at <mailto:avg at>> wrote:
>     I would like to ask for an advice about where/how to implement architecture
>     independent disk type(s) for sys/boot.  The types would be logical disks built on
>     top of physical architecture-specific disks/partitions.  Possible examples are:
>     ZFS pools, LVM volumes, etc.
>     --
>     Andriy Gapon
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Andriy Gapon

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